
On Thursday, 27th October, we visited the IKEA museum in Älmhult. We took part in workshops about sustainability. The workshops were led by a cheerful and kind lady named Karin, who explained IKEA's philosophy of Democratic Design and circular business model. We learned about its fascinating history ( alongside a bit of history of Sweden itself ), starting from IKEA's founding in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad ( 1926 - 2018 ) and its contribution to Swedish housing. During our stay, we were also able to explore extensively the museum to see all of the innovative and creatively designed furniture, both modern and from the previous decades. The whole stay there was fascinating for me and my friends, and we wrapped everything up by eating a tasty meal in IKEA's restaurant.

IKEA Älmhult

IKEA Museum

The story of IKEA


Taste Away

Historia IKEA: Ingvar Kamprad rozmawia z Bertilem Torekullem

Meet Ingvar Kamprad

Oto co wiemy o życiu założyciela Ikei, Invara Kamprada