
Matura międzynarodowa IB DP

Klasa międzynarodowa

  •     Programy autorskie
  •     Współpraca międzynarodowa
  •     Nauka w języku angielskim
  •     Przygotowanie do matury międzynarodowej
  •     Praca w małych grupach
  •     Nauka przez dociekanie
  •     Holistyczny rozwój ucznia
  •     Teoria wiedzy (TOK)
  •     Twórczość, aktywność sportowa i społeczna (CAS)
  •     Extended Essay


The difficulties in IB program and trip to Sweden:

  • Getting up early. After asking the question about difficulties first and foremost the most repeating answer was getting up in the morning. Everyday we had to be ready to leave to school at 7.30 AM, that means we were usually waking up at 6-6.30 AM.
  • Schedule. Our day schedule in Poland was different than the one here. We had to get up early we also had to go to sleep earlier but we weren’t used to it and despite being tired it is hard for us to fall asleep.
  • Food. For some people in our group it was hard to make supper by themselves and also it was sometimes hard to fit in the budget.
  • Walking to school. After a long, 40-minutes walk to school we attended various lessons that we don’t have in Poland. Most of the students enjoyed them and were positively surprised. The only problem was professional vocabulary and unknown accents that teachers had.
  • Swedish school. The school was rated as modern and multicultural. Polish students were complaining about the setup of classes and corridors. It was very time-consuming to find the right room. We asked students of this school and they answered that they got used to it after a month. But most opinions were positive.
  • Flight. For few students the flight to Sweden was the first one in their life. They described it as stressful and the thing that shocked them was the change of the pressure.
  • The difficulties of IB based on Swedish students. In this school there aren’t anything like pre-IB. They don’t have preparation for this program and consider it as laborious.